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Honest FAQ for Appenzeller Mountain Dogs

By Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Behavioral Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books

Appenzeller Sennenhund

Though many people are drawn to the Appenzeller's striking colors, wash-and-wear coat, and loyal temperament, he is NOT a happy pet unless allowed to exercise and work... at something.

What is the correct name of this breed?

Depends on where you live! Some countries and breed clubs say Appenzeller  or Appenzell Cattle Dog.  Some say Appenzeller Mountain Dog.  Some say Appenzeller Sennenhund .

Sennenhund translates roughly to "mountain pasture dog" in the Swiss Alps, where these dogs herded dairymen's cattle.

Whichever word you append to the Appenzeller, the breed is one of FOUR Swiss Mountain Dogs: the Greater Swiss, Bernese, Entlebucher, and Appenzeller. The Appenzeller is the rarest, and the only one with a curled tail.

What kind of temperament and personality does the Appenzeller Sennenhund have?

The most descriptive words that come to my mind regarding Appenzeller Sennenhund temperament and behavior are:

energetic, rugged, vigilant, confident, capable, loyal

I give you my honest opinions about Appenzeller Mountain Dog temperament and personality traits and characteristics – positives AND negatives – in my dog breed review, Appenzeller Sennenhund Temperament and Personality Traits (What's Good About 'Em, What's Bad About 'Em).

What were Appenzeller Mountain Dogs used for?

The Appenzeller herded cattle, guarded sheep and goats, pulled carts around the farm, and guarded homesteads.

What traits would help Appenzellers accomplish their work? That's right... high energy, endurance, athleticism, trainability, aloofness with strangers, and loyalty to their owner.

How big are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs? Height and weight?

About 19-23 inches at the shoulder, and 45-75 pounds, which puts them in the LARGE category.

What colors do Appenzeller Mountain Dogs come in?

Tricolor, which is mostly black (less commonly, havana brown) with limited white and reddish-tan markings.

Do Appenzeller Mountain Dogs come in different "types"?

No. The breed is too uncommon.

How much exercise do Appenzeller Mountain Dogs need?

A lot. The athletic Appenzeller is bred to work all day. Apartment dog? Nope. Backyard pet? Nope! If you don't provide enough exercise and challenging mental stimulation, an Appenzeller Sennenhund will entertain himself by wreaking havoc in your home and yard.

So... provide activities.... herding, carting, weight pulling, sledding, hiking, jogging, agility, tracking and scent work, protection work, Search & Rescue.... the capable Appenzeller is game for most of these.

Do Appenzeller Mountain Dogs need a fenced yard?

Yes, with a high solid fence. Why? and best and worst fences.

Are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs easy to train?

Yes and no. If you are an assertive person who can "read" and respond to a strong-willed working dog and establish a healthy leader-follower relationship, an Appenzeller can learn almost anything.

If you're more of a mild-mannered, peaceful, live-and-let-live kind of person... don't get an Appenzeller, else he will run the household. This breed is not for easygoing beginners.

Are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs easy to housebreak?

No problems here.

Are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs friendly with people?

These dogs are completely loyal to their family. With strangers, Appenzeller Sennenhunds are aloof and may even be suspicious, which can lead to excessive barking and even threatening behavior. You need to stop this the moment it starts.

Keep in mind that even though some Appenzellers have protective instincts, without actual protection training  they are not effective protectors. But they can still be excellent deterrents... as long as you stay in charge and immediately stop any unwarranted aggression.

Are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs good with children?

Depends on the kids. Appenzeller Sennenhunds are fine with respectful children, but don't like to be teased or pestered. This vigorous breed can also knock over a toddler. I much prefer to see Appenzellers in homes with kids who are at least about age 10 and can be relied upon to treat a dog with respect.

Are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs good with other dogs?

They're usually okay with dogs in their own family if they're raised together and the other dog is the opposite sex, peaceful, and submissive. Appenzellers tend to be pushy and dominant with dogs they don't know, especially dogs of the same sex.

Are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs good with cats?

Varies a lot. They might be okay with cats in their own family if raised with them. But they have powerful chasing instincts, so... I probably wouldn't do it.

How much do Appenzeller Mountain Dogs shed?

Appenzeller Mountain Dogs are average shedders. Their coat sheds moderately in the spring and fall, and some loose hairs the rest of the year.

Are Appenzeller Mountain Dogs hypoallergenic? Good for people with allergies?

If you're allergic to dog dander, no. If you're allergic to canine saliva, no. Appenzeller Mountain Dogs are not hypoallergenic dogs.

How much grooming do Appenzeller Mountain Dogs need?

Just an occasional brushing to sweep the dirt, dander, and loose hair away from your dog's skin.

What's a good training schedule for training Appenzeller Sennenhund puppies?

Here's the puppy training schedule I use for Appenzeller Mountain Dogs: Puppy Training Schedule.

What behavior problems do Appenzeller Mountain Dogs tend to have?

Appenzellers are rare in the US; I've only worked with two problem cases. Both dogs were firmly in charge of their households, their owners having gotten in over their heads. Their rugged dogs were towing them down the street and ignoring commands. Don't provide enough exercise and you can add destructive chewing and lots of barking. Here's how to handle behavior problems.

What health problems might Appenzeller Mountain Dogs have?

Although the Appenzeller is too rare to be able to compile many statistics, loose hip and elbow joints are real concerns in all of the other Swiss Mountain Dogs. So it's reasonable to watch for those issues in Appenzellers, along with hereditary eye diseases and bloat.

What breeds are similar to the Appenzeller Sennenhund?

Obviously the other three Swiss Mountain Dogs!

Where can I buy an Appenzeller Sennenhund puppy?

They're very hard to find. I would only buy from someone who can demonstrate their dogs' intelligence and trainability in activities like carting, sledding, herding, weight pulling, agility, etc.

Where can I adopt an older Appenzeller Sennenhund?

I doubt you'll find an Appenzeller available from rescue, unfortunately. Not enough people own them in the first place. But read my article.

I just got a new Appenzeller Sennenhund. Which pages should I read first?

  • Appenzeller Sennenhund Health, which includes my advice on feeding, vaccinations, and daily health care. These pages are very important, because if you start your Appenzeller Sennenhund puppy off on the wrong foot, he will probably experience health problems later on. Starting off right is essential.
  • Training Appenzeller Mountain Dogs, which includes my advice on respect training, housebreaking, and socialization. Again, you must start your Appenzeller Sennenhund puppy off on the right foot by teaching him what he needs to know, and you must avoid doing the wrong things with him so that he doesn't develop bad habits that will be much harder to fix later on.

Do male dogs or female dogs make better pets?

Ah, let the debate begin! Honestly, male Appenzellers have pros and cons, and female Appenzellers have pros and cons. Visit Male Dogs versus Female Dogs

There's an adorable Appenzeller Sennenhund puppy at the pet shop. The store manager assures me they only buy from responsible breeders. Could this be true?

No responsible Appenzeller breeder would ever place one of their Appenzeller Sennenhund puppies in a pet shop for resale. To find out more about pet shop puppies, visit Pet Shop Puppies: Buying a Puppy From a Pet Store.

How do I pick the best Appenzeller Sennenhund puppy from a litter?

You can do puppy personality tests. Visit How To Choose a Good Puppy.

What's the best dog food for Appenzeller Mountain Dogs?

3 Best Ways To Feed Your Dog Healthy Food.

I have to take my Appenzeller Sennenhund to the vet soon for shots. Which vaccinations does he really need?

The schedule of vaccinations that dogs really need has changed dramatically – but unfortunately most vets are not telling you this, because a good chunk of their income depends on frequent vaccinations. Please don't get any more shots for your Appenzeller Sennenhund until you've read my article on Puppy Shots and Dog Vaccinations.

What are the pros and cons of spaying and neutering my Appenzeller Sennenhund, and when should it be done?

Spaying and neutering are often recommended too early, which can lead to health problems later in life. Visit Spaying Your Female Dog or Neutering Your Male Dog for the straight scoop on the safest (and riskiest) times to spay or neuter.

I have a question about Appenzeller Mountain Dogs that I don't see answered on your web site.

It's probably answered in one of my free online books.

Michele Welton with BuffyAbout the author: Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers. An expert researcher and author of 15 books about dogs, she loves helping people choose, train, and care for their dogs.

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