Your Purebred Puppy, Your Candid Guide to Dogs and Dog Breeds
Purebred Dogs vs.
Mixed Breed Dogs
Which Dog Breed
Is Best For You?
11 Things You Must Do
Right To Keep Your Dog
Healthy and Happy
Advice You Can Trust:
180 Dog Breed Reviews
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100 English Words
How To Buy a Good Dog

Norfolk and Norwich Terriers: Holistic health care, natural dog foods, and the latest information about vaccinations.

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Raise your dog the RIGHT way, feed him the RIGHT food, avoid health problems and unnecessary veterinary expenses. more info

Norwich and Norfolk Terrier Health

Lifespan of dogs How Long Will Your Dog Live?
Expected lifespan for different dog breeds and sizes of dogs -- AND how to increase your dog's lifespan.

Natural feeding for Norwich and Norfolk Terriers. The Best Food For Your Dog
The information on this feeding page may shock you. I recommend real food as the most important foundation for your terrier's health.

Natural dog foods for your Norwich or Norfolk Terrier. The Second-Best Food...
If you can't make real food, this all-natural, human-grade kibble is your best bet.

Information on choosing the best vet for your Norfolk or Norwich Terrier. The Right Vet For Your Terrier
Is your vet really the best one for your dog? Learn about the differences between AHVMA and AVMA vets...and which type of vet I recommend.

Information on booster shots for your Norfolk or Norwich Terrier. Vaccinations...Needed or Not?
How many vaccinations does your Norwich or Norfolk Terrier really need? The official recommendations have changed! Find out what some vets aren't telling you...

Information on breeding, spaying, or neutering your Norwich or Norfolk Terrier. Should You Breed or Neuter?
Should you have your terrier spayed or neutered? Will it change his or her personality? What if you want to breed?

This web site is intended to be a source of information for educational purposes. It is offered only as a tool to help you make responsible choices. I cannot diagnose nor prescribe for your dog, and I will not be liable for any use of this information.

Copyright © 2000-2006 by Michele Welton. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without the permission of the author.