Choose the right dog for your family!

Step-by-step instructions
for downloading
"Teach Your Dog 100 English Words":

  1. Write down my email address: [email protected]

    If you have any difficulty downloading your eBook...

    E-MAIL ME!

    Simply email me and I will help you.

  2. "Bookmark" this download page right now.

    "Teach Your Dog 100 English Words" and your free bonus eBook, "Test Your Dog's IQ," are TWO SEPARATE DOWNLOADS. After you download the main eBook, you will need to return to this download page to download the bonus book.

    How to bookmark a page depends on which web browser you're using, but usually means clicking on "Favorites" or "Bookmarks" from the menu at the top of your browser and then "adding" the page. Then you'll be able to come back to do your second download.

    If you can't figure out how to bookmark the page, you can always check your email. There you should find an Order Confirmation message from Clickbank, the company who processed your payment. In that message you'll find a link back to this download page.

  3. Don't worry if your first download fails!

    When downloading a large file, it is common for a modem to hang up or for a computer to "freeze" or "lock up." Don't be discouraged. Just give it another try and it will probably go through fine the second time.

    It is also common for a file to become "corrupted" during the download, which can happen if there is a brief interruption and your modem loses its connection for a moment. If you try to open the eBook and receive this error message: "File is damaged and cannot be repaired," that's a corrupted file. Just give it another try and it will probably go through fine the second time.

  4. Don't forget to download BOTH eBooks..

    First you will download "Teach Your Dog 100 English Words." THEN you'll do a second download of your free bonus eBook, "Test Your Dog's IQ." You'll find your free bonus eBook at the bottom of this page.

  5. Finally, you should print out this page.

    Then you'll have the downloading instructions right in front of you.

  6. Let's do the download!
    (Apple/Mac users, please see further down the page.)

    1. Click your RIGHT mouse button -- on this blue link:


      Your RIGHT mouse button!
      NOT the LEFT mouse button that you usually click.

    2. A pop-up menu will appear. Choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As" or "Save File As" (the exact wording varies by computer).

      On some computers, you might see "Save PAGE As" -- DON'T CHOOSE THIS OPTION.

    3. The "Save As" dialog box will appear. Somewhere on the dialog box, there should be a phrase that says something like "Save in" and then a white box where you can specify WHERE you want to save the file on your computer. If the box already says "Desktop" as the place to save your eBook, leave it alone. If it doesn't say Desktop, click on the V-shaped down arrow at the end of the box and choose "Desktop" from the choices that appear.

    4. Do not change the filename.

    5. Now click "Save" and the download process will begin. When it's complete, select "Close" to exit the dialog box.

    6. Open your Acrobat Reader. From the top menu, click on "File" and "Open" and find the eBook (TYD_64.pdf) on your Desktop where you saved it. Open it and begin reading!

Once you have downloaded your eBook, you must protect it by backing it up on a CD or zip disk. Almost everyone experiences a hard drive crash, virus, upgrade, accidentally deleting files, etc. at one time or another. You must have a back-up system (CD burner or zip drive) on your computer so you can protect your files once you've downloaded them. Please don't email me asking for additional downloads if you lose your eBook -- it is YOUR responsibility to back up your files.

Apple/Mac users

Your computer has only one mouse button. You may be able to simply click that button and the file will automatically download to your Desktop or to a "Downloads" folder. You can also try holding down your Control button when you click on the blue link, which may allow you to save the file wherever you choose.

If you have any difficulty, email me at [email protected]
or check this page of Frequently Asked Questions.

Download your FREE Bonus eBook - "TEST YOUR DOG'S IQ!"

Remember to RIGHT-click on the blue link and do "Save As."

Test Your Dog's IQ

Copyright © 2000 by Michele Welton. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be reproduced without the permission of the author.